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Text File | 1996-09-06 | 11.9 KB | 433 lines | [ttro/ttxt] |
- Appendices
- ----------
- A - Getting your ROMs/files onto your Mac
- -----------------------------------------
- IMPORTANT: Please read these instructions carefully. The author will not accept
- any responsibility for any damage or loss of data resulting from the advice
- given here.
- This is done in two steps - creating a disk file of the ROM image and then
- transferring over to the Mac.
- Step One
- --------
- Creating a DOS file of the OS ROM image is simple. If you have a 400 or 800, the
- OS ROM is 10K in size. Run the following program
- 5 REM CREATE 10K 400/800 ROM FILE - 10240 BYTES
- 10 OPEN#1,8,0,"D:ROM10K"
- 20 FOR K=55296 TO 65535 : PUT#1,PEEK(K) : NEXT K
- 30 CLOSE #1
- which saves the ROM onto disk. For XL machines, run the following. The ROM is
- 16K in size.
- NOTE: Only the full shareware version emulates the 800XL.
- 10 OPEN#1,8,0,"D:ROM16K"
- 20 FOR K=49152 TO 53247 : PUT#1,PEEK(K) : NEXT K
- 30 POKE 54017,PEEK(54017)-128
- 40 FOR K=20480 TO 22527 : PUT#1,PEEK(K) : NEXT K
- 50 FOR K=55296 TO 65535 : PUT#1,PEEK(K) : NEXT K
- 60 CLOSE #1
- To create an image of BASIC use
- 10 OPEN#1,8,0,"D:BASIC"
- 20 FOR K=40960 TO 49151 : PUT#1,PEEK(K) : NEXT K
- 30 CLOSE #1
- Step Two
- --------
- That's the easy bit. This step involves transferring the files over to the Mac.
- Luckily the modem port on the Mac is a RS232 port, so you'll need an 850 Interface
- Module...
- [Atari computer] --> [850 Module] ===== cable =====> [Mac]
- +
- [Disk drive]
- and a cable. Don't worry, this cable is very easy to make.
- Below is a diagram of the ports, looking INTO THE BACKS of the Mac and
- 850 unit.
- Mac 8 pin mini-modem Atari 850 9 pin D connector
- • 8 • 7 • 6 • 5 • 4 • 3 • 2 • 1
- • 5 • 4 • 3 • 9 • 8 • 7 • 6
- • 2 • 1
- You only need to make 2 connections...
- Mac modem 850 port (PORT 1)
- --------- -----------------
- PIN 8 (GND) PIN 5 (GND)
- Ideally you should make a cable with a 9-pin D connector, 8 pin mini DIN line plug
- and some 2 core electrical cable. But you can probably get away with just using
- 2 pieces of insulated wire (about a metre in length) and pushing the ends
- into the sockets.
- Now to send a file from your Atari 8bit to the Mac. Type in the following program
- in Atari BASIC and save to disk.
- 10 POKE 559,0
- 25 DIM A(256),B(256)
- 30 FOR K=0 TO 255
- 40 HI=INT(K/16)
- 50 LO=K-HI*16
- 55 HI=HI+48 : REM now convert hex to ASCII...
- 56 LO=LO+48
- 60 IF HI>57 THEN HI=HI+7
- 70 IF LO>57 THEN LO=LO+7
- 80 A(K+1)=HI
- 90 B(K+1)=LO
- 100 NEXT K
- 110 REM
- 210 OPEN #4,4,0,"D:ROM10K" : REM open file to send
- 220 OPEN #7,8,0,"R1:"
- 230 XIO 36,#7,14,0,"R1:"
- 240 FOR K=1 TO 10240 : REM send all the bytes in the file
- 250 GET#4,BYTE
- 260 PUT#7,A(BYTE+1)
- 270 PUT#7,B(BYTE+1)
- 280 NEXT K
- 290 CLOSE #7
- 300 CLOSE #4
- 310 POKE 559,34
- Lines 25 to 100 set up hexadecimal character tables for bytes 0 to 255.
- Line 10 switches off the screen which speeds up transfer by 33%. Line 310 turns
- it back on. You may want to leave the screen turned on (i.e. omit line 10) in case
- there are any error messages. Once it's working, leave line 10 in.
- Lines 220 and 230 set up PORT 1 for output to the Mac at a transfer rate of 9600
- bits per second (baud rate). A loop then reads the file from disk a byte at
- a time and sends it in hex to the Mac.
- Lines 210 and 240 are set up above ready to transfer the 10K OS ROM file.
- You now need some kind of communications software for your Mac to receive the
- data. My favourite is Zterm which is shareware and widely available.
- Set Zterm to 9600 baud rate. Make sure the 'capture' window is clean of
- all spurious text.
- Your DOS boot-up disk must contain the AUTORUN.SYS file which loads up
- the RS232 handler code. This file is created using SETUP.COM which comes
- with Atari DOS 2 or later. Without the RS232 handler booted, the XFER program
- will return an error code 130 at line 220. All being well, you should hear a
- high pitched squeal just before getting the READY prompt.
- On running XFER, you should see the bytes displayed in the capture window in hex.
- The complete transfer will take some minutes. When finished, select entire text
- and save the selection with the name UNHEX.IN and place the file in the same
- folder as the UNHEX application.
- Finally launch UNHEX. This application reads UNHEX.IN and creates the binary
- file UNHEX.OUT, stripping any carriage returns (byte = 13) in UNHEX.IN. (These
- carriage returns are added by Zterm, not the RS232 handler.)
- Pay attention to the number of bytes unhexed... it should EXACTLY MATCH THE
- NUMBER SENT (see line 240 above). If not, repeat the entire process (quit Zterm
- and re-boot your Atari just to be sure).
- If the transfer is unreliable too often, try dropping the baud rate to 4800 in
- Zterm and change the 14 in line 230 to 13.
- If it's the 400/800 OS, rename UNHEX.OUT as OP_SYSTEM. All being well, you
- can launch Rainbow and get the blue 'Memo Pad' screen up.
- Hooray!
- Advertisement: The full shareware version comes with an application
- called TinyTerm. Using this you will be able to transfer whole disk
- images from your 8bit to the Mac in under 5 minutes. You will still
- need the 850 interface module and cable.
- B - Rainbow technical details
- -----------------------------
- For those who like to revel in technical specs, here's the list for Rainbow.
- Hardware:
- • NMOS 6502 processor
- • Accepts 400/800 and 800XL/130XE OS
- • 48K RAM for 400/800 machines; full 64K RAM for 800XL; 128K RAM for 130XE
- • Emulates the 5200 video console system
- • NMI and IRQ interrupt emulation
- • 8K and 16K cartridge support; 16K and 32K cartridges for 5200
- • 16K Super Cartridge support
- • Low level SIO emulation allows access to virtual disk images
- • Supports single and enhanced density images and ATR images
- • Disk drives D1: and D2: available
- • Import/export files to and from your Mac hard disk
- • Full keyboard
- Graphics:
- • 256 Atari colours
- • Complete playfield generation (ANTIC modes 2 to 15)
- • Narrow, Normal and Wide playfields
- • GTIA support giving 3 extra colour modes
- • Colour artefacting in GRAPHICS 8
- • Display List Interrupts
- • Player/Missile Graphics
- • Full Player/Missile/Playfield collision detection
- • Player/Missile priorities (mutually exclusive and non-exclusive)
- • Fine scrolling
- • PAL/NTSC screen option
- Others:
- • POKEY timers 1, 2 and 4
- • Sound with 4 channels of pure tones and improvised noise
- • Four joysticks support using keypad
- • Four paddles support using mouse
- C - Why won't this game work???
- -------------------------------
- Okay, you've tried everything and your favourite game still won't run properly.
- Go through the following checklist.
- - Try the game with and without BASIC inserted. On the XL, keep the OPTION
- key (Shift and num lock on the Mac) pressed to disable BASIC when re-booting.
- - Does it need an XL/XE machine?
- - Does it need the very old 'A' version of the 400/800 OS? Some software did
- do naughty things like jumping in and out of OS routines when they should
- have used vectors.
- - If you're trying to run a BINARY FILE, then the loader/DOS you use may affect
- it. Some games I've tried simply won't run using the L option in Atari
- DOS 2.5 but do run successfully on another e.g. SmartDOS. The best loaders
- are the tiny ones which take only a second to boot up. Experiment and see
- which work best for you.
- - Some games may need the 'Every' frame option to work properly or for the
- graphics to behave and look right.
- - Are you sure your file or disk image is not corrupted?
- - Turn 'Cheat Mode' off.
- - Have you got the correct joystick/paddle active?
- - If the screen seems unstable, try checking the the 'PAL' option under
- 'TV' menu.
- If all this fails, then it's down to the limitations of the emulator. Although
- Rainbow is a very good emulator, at the end of the day, it's just that... an
- approximation of the real thing.
- Some games may include illegal (or undocumented) 6502 machine code instructions
- to protect the code against hackers. Since they are undocumented, their
- behaviour is not well known but a good attempt has been made to include all of
- them in Rainbow, the information coming from a number of sources (with inevitable
- contradictions...). This is just another possible reason why some games won't
- run properly.
- D - The 'Atari computer crash' alert box
- ----------------------------------------
- Now and again, you will encounter this alert box. Although it looks horribly
- ominous, it's nothing to get worried about and no damage is done to Rainbow
- or your Mac.
- It means the CPU has just executed an illegal opcode which is known to freeze
- the machine. So rather than let the emulator just sit there and do nothing,
- it informs you of this.
- The only way out of such a crash is to switch the emulator off and on, i.e.
- re-boot.
- If you hold the Control key down on the re-boot, the cartridge is removed and
- drive#1 turned off. This is useful to get out of a continual crash sequence,
- e.g. bad boot disk.
- Pressing SYSTEM RESET to get out of a game can often result in a 'crash'
- and is nothing to worry about. Pity Rainbow can't recreate some of those
- spectacular graphics when a real 8 bit crashes... I used to sit there for hours
- engrossed in crashing the machine just to see the pretty colours.
- Ahem...
- E - Rainbow icons
- ----------------
- Use ResEdit to get your existing files to display the colourful Rainbow icons.
- The creator code is 'RBOW' and useful types are 'DSKS', 'DSKE' and 'CART'. Leave
- the 'Inited' box unchecked on exit. The required icon should appear immediately on
- the Desktop (if it was generic before). Else you may have to re-build the desktop.
- F - Using the 5200 emulation mode
- ---------------------------------
- "Smoke 'em if you've got 'em"
- Those fortunate enough to have access to Atari 5200 ROM images will find this
- new feature quite fun. You will also need the 2K monitor ROM image.
- The 5200 is a stripped down 400/800 with 16K RAM, ANTIC, GTIA and POKEY. The keypad
- only has the 10 digit keys, # (SHIFT 3), * (SHIFT 8) and RESET, START and PAUSE (
- mapped to where the XL HELP key is on Rainbow).
- ROM images are either 16K or 32K in size. Rainbow does not mimic the analogue
- nature of the 5200 joysticks but this should not matter for most games.
- Easy way to get the ROM:- Take one 5200 and remove covering to reveal
- the circuit board. Locate the ROM (same size as other Atari ROM chips and has
- 'ATARI' written on it. Pull it out. Now get an ordinary Atari 400/800 cartridge, e.g.
- BASIC. Take out the left ROM chip and put the 5200 ROM in its place. Put cartridge in
- Atari computer and turn it on. If you were lucky, you will go into the MEMO PAD or
- TEST ROM or DOS depending on your computer. If it crashes, put the left ROM chip back
- into the BASIC cartridge and replace the right chip with the 5200 ROM. Booting up into
- DOS allows you save the ROM area ($A000 to $BFFF). Transfer this over to the Mac
- as per usual and use HexEdit to surgically remove the 5200 ROM image. You can't
- miss it, it's either at offset 800h-FFFh or 1800h-1FFFh. Save the 2K part as 'OP_5200'
- and away you go.
- Many of the 90 or so 5200 games play okay... however there are still some
- joystick/movement problems with about 10 - 15 games.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Comments and suggestions to...
- E-mail: jx91@cityscape.co.uk
- WWW : http://www.cityscape.co.uk/users/jx91/emulators.html
- Rainbow (c) 1995-6 by Chris Lam.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------